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We are a Celtic, ecclectic coven of mixed age, gender, sexual orientation, perspective and level of experience.

We gather in northeast Indianapolis to celebrate the eight Sabbats in open Circles as well as the thirteen Esbats (full moons) in closed Circles.

We are a casual, versus traditional, group. While we do not ascribe to patron dieties; we do honor feminine and masculine divine energies, often in the guises of Gaia and Dionysus. At other times, we simply recognize and honor the balance of masculine and feminine energy in the Universe and within all of us. At still other times, we call upon specific dieties as necessity dictates.


We can be considered a teaching coven, providing guidance and mentoring to those new to the Craft or of different experience level. We also encourage self-study within the Craft, which is an important element in each witch's spiritual path.

We make no assumptions or expectations of those attending or participating in our gatherings. Formal membership to the coven is by invitation, after a relationship is established through regular participation and contact, as well as a goodness-of-fit agreed upon by a majority of coveners.

Guests and seekers are welcome and encouraged. 


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